23 research outputs found

    Interconnection networks in session-based logical processes

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    In multiparty session types, interconnection networks identify which roles in a session engage in direct communication. If role p is connected to role q, then p exchanges a message with q. In a session-based interpretation of classical linear logic (CLL), this corresponds to the composition, or cut, of dual propositions. This paper shows that well-formed interactions represented in a session-based interpretation of CLL form strictly less expressive interconnection networks than those specified in a multiparty session calculus. To achieve this, we introduce a new compositional synthesis property, dubbed partial multiparty compatibility (PMC), enabling us to build a global type denoting the interactions obtained by iterated composition of well-typed CLL processes.We show that the CLL composition rule induces PMC global types without circular interconnections between three participants. PMC is then used to define a new CLL multicut rule which can form general multiparty interconnections, preserving the deadlock-freedom property of CLL

    On polymorphic sessions and functions: A tale of two (fully abstract) encodings

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    This work exploits the logical foundation of session types to determine what kind of type discipline for the -calculus can exactly capture, and is captured by, -calculus behaviours. Leveraging the proof theoretic content of the soundness and completeness of sequent calculus and natural deduction presentations of linear logic, we develop the first mutually inverse and fully abstract processes-as-functions and functions-as-processes encodings between a polymorphic session -calculus and a linear formulation of System F. We are then able to derive results of the session calculus from the theory of the -calculus: (1) we obtain a characterisation of inductive and coinductive session types via their algebraic representations in System F; and (2) we extend our results to account for value and process passing, entailing strong normalisation

    Depending on session-typed processes

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    The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviews for their comments and suggestions. This work is partially supported by EPSRC EP/K034413/1, EP/K011715/1, EP/L00058X/1, EP/N027833/1, EP/N028201/1 and NOVA LINCS (UID/CEC/04516/2013).This work proposes a dependent type theory that combines functions and session-typed processes (with value dependencies) through a contextual monad, internalising typed processes in a dependently-typed λ -calculus. The proposed framework, by allowing session processes to depend on functions and vice-versa, enables us to specify and statically verify protocols where the choice of the next communication action can depend on specific values of received data. Moreover, the type theoretic nature of the framework endows us with the ability to internally describe and prove predicates on process behaviours. Our main results are type soundness of the framework, and a faithful embedding of the functional layer of the calculus within the session-typed layer, showcasing the expressiveness of dependent session types.authorsversionpublishe

    Hybrid Session Verification through Endpoint API Generation

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    © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016.This paper proposes a new hybrid session verification methodology for applying session types directly to mainstream languages, based on generating protocol-specific endpoint APIs from multiparty session types. The API generation promotes static type checking of the behavioural aspect of the source protocol by mapping the state space of an endpoint in the protocol to a family of channel types in the target language. This is supplemented by very light run-time checks in the generated API that enforce a linear usage discipline on instances of the channel types. The resulting hybrid verification guarantees the absence of protocol violation errors during the execution of the session. We implement our methodology for Java as an extension to the Scribble framework, and use it to specify and implement compliant clients and servers for real-world protocols such as HTTP and SMTP

    Fencing off go: liveness and safety for channel-based programming

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    Go is a production-level statically typed programming language whose design features explicit message-passing primitives and lightweight threads, enabling (and encouraging) programmers to develop concurrent systems where components interact through communication more so than by lock-based shared memory concurrency. Go can only detect global deadlocks at runtime, but provides no compile-time protection against all too common communication mismatches or partial deadlocks. This work develops a static verification framework for bounded liveness and safety in Go programs, able to detect communication errors and partial deadlocks in a general class of realistic concurrent programs, including those with dynamic channel creation and infinite recursion. Our approach infers from a Go program a faithful representation of its communication patterns as a behavioural type. By checking a syntactic restriction on channel usage, dubbed fencing, we ensure that programs are made up of finitely many different communication patterns that may be repeated infinitely many times. This restriction allows us to implement bounded verification procedures (akin to bounded model checking) to check for liveness and safety in types which in turn approximates liveness and safety in Go programs. We have implemented a type inference and liveness and safety checks in a tool-chain and tested it against publicly available Go programs

    A Higher-Order Logic for Concurrent Termination-Preserving Refinement

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    Compiler correctness proofs for higher-order concurrent languages are difficult: they involve establishing a termination-preserving refinement between a concurrent high-level source language and an implementation that uses low-level shared memory primitives. However, existing logics for proving concurrent refinement either neglect properties such as termination, or only handle first-order state. In this paper, we address these limitations by extending Iris, a recent higher-order concurrent separation logic, with support for reasoning about termination-preserving refinements. To demonstrate the power of these extensions, we prove the correctness of an efficient implementation of a higher-order, session-typed language. To our knowledge, this is the first program logic capable of giving a compiler correctness proof for such a language. The soundness of our extensions and our compiler correctness proof have been mechanized in Coq

    Polarized Substructural Session Types

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    Abstract. The deep connection between session-typed concurrency and linear logic is embodied in the language SILL that integrates functional and message-passing concurrent programming. The exacting nature of linear typing provides strong guarantees, such as global progress, absence of deadlock, and race freedom, but it also requires explicit resource man-agement by the programmer. This burden is alleviated in an affine type system where resources need not be used, relying on a simple form of garbage collection. In this paper we show how to effectively support both linear and affine typing in a single language, in addition to the already present unre-stricted (intuitionistic) types. The approach, based on Benton’s adjoint construction, suggests that the usual distinction between synchronous and asynchronous communication can be viewed through the lens of modal logic. We show how polarizing the propositions into positive and negative connectives allows us to elegantly express synchronization in the type instead of encoding it by extra-logical means.

    A Semantics for Propositions as Sessions

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    Abstract. Session types provide a static guarantee that concurrent pro-grams respect communication protocols. Recently, Caires, Pfenning, and Toninho, and Wadler, have developed a correspondence between proposi-tions of linear logic and session typed pi-calculus processes. We relate the cut-elimination semantics of this approach to an operational semantics for session-typed concurrency in a functional language. We begin by pre-senting a variant of Wadler’s session-typed core functional language, GV. We give a small-step operational semantics for GV. We develop a suitable notion of deadlock, based on existing approaches for capturing deadlock in pi-calculus, and show that all well-typed GV programs are deadlock-free, deterministic, and terminating. We relate GV to linear logic by giving translations between GV and CP, a process calculus with a type system and semantics based on classical linear logic. We prove that both directions of our translation preserve reduction; previous translations from GV to CP, in contrast, failed to preserve β-reduction. Furthermore, to demonstrate the modularity of our approach, we define two extensions of GV which preserve deadlock-freedom, determinism, and termination.

    Certifying Data in Multiparty Session Types

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    © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016.Multiparty session types (MPST) are a typing discipline for ensuring the coordination and orchestration of multi-agent communication in concurrent and distributed programs. However, by mostly focusing on the communication aspects of concurrency, MPST are often unable to capture important data invariants in programs. In this work we propose to increase the expressiveness of MPST by considering a notion of value dependencies in order to certify invariants of exchanged data in concurrent and distributed settings

    Fencing off go: liveness and safety for channel-based programming

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    Go is a production-level statically typed programming language whose design features explicit message-passing primitives and lightweight threads, enabling (and encouraging) programmers to develop concurrent systems where components interact through communication more so than by lock-based shared memory concurrency. Go can only detect global deadlocks at runtime, but provides no compile-time protection against all too common communication mis-matches or partial deadlocks. This work develops a static verification framework for liveness and safety in Go programs, able to detect communication errors and partial deadlocks in a general class of realistic concurrent programs, including those with dynamic channel creation, unbounded thread creation and recursion. Our approach infers from a Go program a faithful representation of its communication patterns as a behavioural type. By checking a syntactic restriction on channel usage, dubbed fencing, we ensure that programs are made up of finitely many different communication patterns that may be repeated infinitely many times. This restriction allows us to implement a decision procedure for liveness and safety in types which in turn statically ensures liveness and safety in Go programs. We have implemented a type inference and decision procedures in a tool-chain and tested it against publicly available Go programs